NEW DELHI: At least 48 MPs and MLAs have declared cases related to crime against women, with BJP having the highest number of such politicians at 12, a report said today amid a nation-wide outrage over rape incidents, including in UP’s Unnao where a ruling party lawmaker is an accused.
“Out of 1,580 (33 per cent) MPs/MLAs analysed with declared criminal cases, 48 have declared cases related to crime against women,” as per the report by Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR).
This includes 45 MLAs and 3 MPs, who have declared cases of crime against women such as charges related to assault of woman with intent to outrage her modesty, kidnapping, abducting or inducing woman to compel her to marriage, rape, domestic violence and trafficking, the Delhi-based think-tank said.
Giving party-wise details, the report said that BJP has the highest number of MPs and MLAs ie 12, followed by Shiv Sena (7) and Trinamool Congress (6) who have declared cases related to crime against women. (AGENCIES