O P Sharma
Name of Book : Windows & Doors, A collection of English poetry
Author : Darshan Darshi ( D K Vaid)
Publisher : Akshay Prakashan, Ansari Road, New Delhi
Year : 2021
This 120-page book of poetry in English by eminent writer, Darshan Darshi ( real-name: D K Vaid, (ex-JKAS officer & convener of Sahitya Akademi for Dogri language) has the unique distinction of having himself composing Poetry in English and also rendering his some Dogri poems into English verses. The basic idea of this poet is that it will let the readers have a good taste of the poetry in English. It is expected that the ideas and sentiments have been aptly expressed which is plus-point of this emotion-packed poetic compositions. This work will open windows and doors to the readers.
It may be recalled that Darshan Darshan hails from tiny town of Bhhadu, situated on a hill-top with natural beauty and also rich cultural heritage , in Kathua district of Jammu and Kashmir. After good academic qualification and a literary bent of mind , Darshi entered the JKAS cadre with a passion for writing, both prose and poetry in Dogri language and also having good command in putting down his view-point in English. During his service career, he held different posts and had varied experiences, which often find expression in his writings both in prose and poetic compositions.
He has to his credit a number of books and is presently associated with the Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi for Dogri language and is in ” driving seat ” for sustained growth and development of his mother-tongue. This national institution is honouring Dogri writers/poets with prestigious Awards every year since 1971.
Welcome New Ideas
This book titled ” Windows & Doors” is a collection of poems in English numbering 64 choicest poetic compositions. These include: first three titled :” My Window-1″, “My Window-11” and “My Window-111″ which are introductory specimen highlighting the free-flow of his ideas and ideals also giving flight of imagination and focus on realities of life.
The other poems are : ” Soul” , “My Autumn” , ” A Wise Arrangement”, “Chemistry of Colours”, “Over-sized Dreams”, “The White”, “Lover’s Dilemma” , “Heavy Weight Words”, “Off Stage”, ” Home or House” , ” My River”, “Walkways or Byways”” ” Looking God or Being Good”, “Red Pencil”, Veg;, Non-veg; or Vegan !”, “Coloured Silence”, “When Songs Weep”, “Soul-Calendar” and Drenched Men” among others.
Wide-range Angles
The poet has rich and varied experiences in life and has the quality of expression in crystal clear language. One really enjoys the style and emotion in poetry. He is already a renowned Dogri writer and now has the distinction of presenting his some Dogri verses rendered into English composition and few other in English poetry; thus fulfilling the desire of Darshan Darshi for being a bi-lingual writer.
Many Dogri poets have made commendable contribution to enrich this sweet language bring it on the path of sustained growth and development as part and parcel of Indian literature. A specimen of meaningful verse of “Window-II” follows:
My silence is pure and chaste
(till this date)
not because I am wise or smart
skilful or shy.
It’s only because my window wears
quick brain and a discerning eye.
Darshan Dashi’s this latest book is a creative work with new ideas and is certainly welcome in the literary circles and even has carved out a space among the general public. It is well-produced publication containing thought-provoking process in the society. One can certainly enjoy this poetry in English by a proud son of Duggar.