Governments are an unending and a continuous entity or institution and the authorities at the helm too remain unchanged though persons manning do keep changing which means any directives issued by a previous Head of the Government did not attain the status of infructuous (ness) or was sheer optional to carry out. With that logic, it is beyond comprehension to know as to why numerous directives given by the first J&K Lieutenant Governor, Girish Chander Murmu continue to remain unimplemented even after 10 months.
There are various such directions that have not seen the day in getting implemented and executed. To quote a few instances like ancient Buddhist site at Ambaran Akhnoor and historic Akhnoor Fort were decided to be given due attention in respect of preservation and restoration as they are heritage sites. Since these sites had the potentiality of attracting tourism , they needed to be developed and safeguarded and necessary restoration works started . It is evident that the administrative machinery is lacking in its efforts to coordinate, follow-up and monitor such directives so that implementation process was started . Since for over 10 months there is nothing of the sort like anything beyond paper work and files , strong resentment was brewing in the elected representatives at the grass root levels, therefore it was incumbent on the administration to pick up from where it is stuck up all these 10 months so that implementation process started in due course.