Aries : Without apparent reason you may go into your shell today. No doubt you will acknowledge the contribution of others, but Ganesha says you have to do more than that; you will have to share your knowledge with your peers. Besides this, Ganesha says you need to cut down on your spending.
Taurus : Ganesha sees you being very planned and focuses, poised and practical in handling your affairs today. You’ll be able to take identify the best strategy, course of action that the situations demand. This day you would be performing like a specialist, a real expert and will not fail to accomplish whatever you have set out to do. Most likely you will be taking up several projects and assignments in course of the day.
Gemini : You are on your way to falling in love. Your parents or children are likely to fetch you substantial gains, financially or otherwise. You may want to make a few changes at work, probably a new business strategy.
Cancer : A shopping spree with your darling is likely to be the highlight of the day, even though you will be paying for almost everything. Though you have decided to be this lavish out of sheer love, your sweetheart will more than return the favour with a sweaty thank you ‘return gift’ in the evening.
Leo : Seems today is just one of those days when things simply refuse to go your way. It happens to the best of us, says Ganesha, and there isn’t much one can do about it except slog it out and find that hidden reserve of moral support. On a brighter note, Ganesha observes the possibility of you meeting the right person who shall help you rekindle your imagination.
Virgo : Today is the right time to start a new project, while older projects which had been postponed will be finished. Over the next week you will try to boost your energy levels. Parties will lead to a lot of entertainment and joy. Ganesha says children will bring home pride which will put you in even higher spirits.
Libra : Well, today is just not your day. The prospects sure aren’t looking too good. However, there’s no point in getting anxious over this triviality. Remember, ‘not good’ does not necessarily mean bad. In any case, if it’s a stressful day you have had, be sure to have an equally enjoyable evening. Ganesha guesses that you may want to discuss certain intimate issues with your sweetheart today!
Scorpio : Life is the best teacher, they say. And today, you even experience this. You may learn to survive the neck-tight competition in the market. This may invite a lot of envy, but nothing shall bother you. Ganesha reminds you of the adage, ‘To err is human, to forgive is divine,’ so, it’s fine even if you commit some errors.
Sagittarius : Going to private parties is a high probability today. All in all, make the most of it as you get nostalgic with old friends and make plans with new ones. Moreover, relatives will be pleased to meet you after a long time.
Capricorn : It’s time to prove your extraordinary skills as a professional, says Ganesha. You will go out of your way, and even double your efforts to accomplish set goals, and chances are that you might succeed. Family and friends will be glad that could take out time to spend some happy hours with them. You will also let them know that they mean the world to you, and no matter what, you will be there whenever they need you.
Aquarius : It’s a day you may want to spend with yourself. But it may still not bring the desired peace and tranquility. An unpleasant situation may force you to deal with reality, says Ganesha. You now realise how much strength you derive from your devotion to God.
Pisces : Of late, the harder you try, the more it seems you have to do. You are likely to put your foot down today and spend some time taking care of yourself and playing truant with your responsibilities. Recharge your batteries fully while you are at it, says Ganesha.