Sunday April 26-2020
Aries : If you are involved in monetary matters, today you will find yourself weighing the benefits. A loan that you have applied for may be sanctioned. Look at a range of choices, says Ganesha, and you will end up feeling very happy about it.
Taurus : This day you will have an urge to take a trip, be it a small one. Ganesha sees you enthusiastically making detailed plans and arrangements, arranging for funds and getting in touch with all those you desire to take along. It is possible that you may ultimately scrap your plans and choose to stay at home. However, be sure you’ll be making that trip in due course.
Gemini : You will feel blue and out of sorts today. You will feel that you are all alone in the world, emotionally. Your repressed desires and your philosophical streak will come to the fore today and will influence your dark mood, says Ganesha.
Cancer : You will get a surprise gift or god news from your friends or relatives. You will enjoy with your family. You will get the affection and co-opeation of family members. Happiness and rapport in domestic life is indicated. Ganesha’s grace is upon you.
Leo : Most of your time will be spent at the work place. You will excel in all your tasks today. Professional relationships will be marked by co-operation. You will have cordial relations with your colleagues. It is an auspicious and progressive day for business, says Ganesha.
Virgo : Avoid all kinds of prejudice and do not allow intolerance to enter your mind today, advises Ganesha. In all likelihood, you will look around yourself in search of love and affection. You will do well to keep negativity at bay as otherwise it may cow you down. Ganesha suggests that you marshal all your courage to live as per your convictions.
Libra : Ganesha says those of you who are married or in love will experience a good time today. As you spend more time with your life partner by going out for a drive or for dinner, you will come closer to them. Today is a day full of joy, vigor and happiness for you.
Scorpio : Today, there may come up situations which may test your patience, predicts Ganesha. However, it would be wise to sit and sort out all the differences with your colleagues or family members or your partner.
Sagittarius : As Ganesha foresees, you will be religiously inclined today. Listening to soft, instrumental music will soothe your nerves. You also feel like going back to school days and dig into detective and suspense stories of Nancy Drew or Hardy Boys. It was fun being kid, isn’t it?
Capricorn : You’ll kick start the day in high spirit which will take everyone by surprise. You will shift gears at work so that you can perform more efficiently and productively. Such a change will boost your confidence as you will see the positive results for yourself. Most of the day, you will work like a busy bee, but at the end you will listen to music or be with your friends to relax your mind, foretells Ganesha.
Aquarius : You are already overloaded with work. On the top of it, people around you will conveniently put their share of load on your back, and you will take it most of the times. You, however, will not get bogged down by the additional responsibilities. In fact, you will rise to the challenge and perform exceptionally well, leaving your rivals surprised.
Pisces : You are going to be very emotional today. You will be able to express your love to your wife or other loved ones in a very unique and dramatic way. It is not a good day for putting forth marriage or love proposals, and if you do it could be disappointing. Ganesha says that professionally you will be very successful in all tasks.