inner voice


In 2019 a new son has taken birth,
On that day Mr Corona emerged.
He is very rich taking a tour of world
But one day he will be as clear as a past word
One day he reached India everything was going with ease,
So he decided to make everything cease
He reached every home and dance upon people’s head
He is so cruel that he snatched everyone’s bread
He tried everything to put people on road
He spread his fear on every single door
But our India will never give up
By climbing ladders she rises up
All doctors nurses and policemen joined together
They didn’t took help from any other
They found home remedies to take it in control
Which resulted in the biggest control
Every person they sanitize
Every sick they quarantine
By extending lockdown
They make corona fall down
People had become scared
People had become worried
But they controlled every poor’s tear
Today also they pray for best
They never take rest
To make India corona free
They are fighting as a knight
So that our India be bright as a star
They are fighting for us in this world war …………
Devi Gupta
K C Gurukul


Some one I love

There is someone whom I love so much
Who is very close to me….
Someone so caring and so sweet
Thoughtful and void is she.
Who is there when I need her
Through good times and through bad
Someone to laugh and share my tears
The best friend I’ve ever had
We have spent our lives together
Ups and downs only a few
Always standing up for me
As I stand up for you
So thank you sis so much
One thing I want you to know
My love will follow you each day……
No matter where you go
Pranvi Khajuria

White December

Icy cold
Snowy mountains
Chilly wind
Frost crystals on
Pine trees
Christmas joy
Snowballs and laughter
Warm abode
Bright lights
Cracking fireplace
Sweet aroma
Conversations over coffee
Cookies and brownies
Shujai Shaminotra