As many as 12 bridges in a row are in a state of suspended animation across Kashmir and quite unspecific as to their fate, now for the last more thana a year. The usual hindrance of funds is stated to be not the reason but releasing funds commensurate to stage wise requirements in the process of construction activity has been erratic, irregular and unpredictable. The immediate fallout of such a scenario, besides being imminent cost escalation, is causing lot of hardships to the commuters who would have otherwise used these bridges for their daily requirements. Jammu and Kashmir Projects Construction Corporation (JKPCC) has been executing the construction work on these vital bridges, the total cost of which was estimated at Rs.10 crore. Out of these 12 bridges, 5 are in North Kashmir, 4 in South Kashmir and three in Srinagar city.
We fail to understand that when these bridges , nearly over a dozen in number, were planned to be constructed looking to the urgency and need of the people of respective areas and the agency too was chosen for the job, why such a chain of circumstances is created by which the work initially starts suffering, taking the toll of the usual speed, rhyme and rhythm followed by waits and interludes and ultimately, suspension of the work over them. Works not even half done are neither of any utility nor does their indefinite deferment and then stopping altogether serve any purpose or reflect any good image of the administration. In fact, any goodwill generated in the hearts of the people concerned initially towards it, starts getting reversed and turns into a feeling that the administration cared not even a scant for them when the hardships are in the form of taking recourse to boat rides which generally remain overcrowded in order to cross the river from both the banks. In rainy and snowy weather, their hardships get aggravated.
We have authoritatively learnt that while on the one hand, sanction was accorded for the construction of these bridges, on the other – right from the start, funds support was weak and unspecific impacting the construction which got accentuated by the JKPCC suspending rather abandoning the work on the project since it did not receive the money as needed. The blend of half solution and full retracting was seen in the sense that while Government identified these bridges under languishing projects meaning special attention towards kick-starting work on them and providing funds which of course were provided too but the work could still not be restarted due to getting entangled in technicalities as the cost involving being over Rs. 10 crore needed administrative approval.
Not that the Roads and Buildings Department did not approach the concerned authorities for according approval but what is astonishing is that the papers and files pertaining to these languishing projects are not moving in any direction that would result in according approval and the work getting started. This scenario of files culture not moving towards showing any improvement and red tape holding its sway despite changed political and constitutional scenario in Jammu and Kashmir, is surprising. Necessary documents stand submitted, funds are there, executing agency is waiting in wings for ‘go ahead’, people are suffering but some ‘administrative technicalities’ are proving of villainous role. We urge the administration to look into the entire issue and resolve it at the earliest keeping in view the difficulties faced by the people.