Susham Sharma’s contribution

Reference ‘Susham Sharma’- Doyenne of Theatre passes away’ Daily Excelsior July 14, 2024.
May I add to the knowledge of Ravinder Koul and others that when Friends Club, Jammu introduced Susham Sharma in their third production of Dogri Stage play ‘Tabbar Tor’ (Writer/Director Puran Singh ‘Puran’), those were the days when Dogra families were quite hesitant to allow their girls/ladies to perform on stage. Therefore, the idea of producing ‘Mandlik’, their fourth production, which required 5 to 6 female characters, was near to drop, but Sushma Sharma alongwith her elder sister Kiran Sharma and younger sister Vijaya Sharma fully cooperated the club to stage ‘Mandlik’ successfully.
Again in ‘Sunna te Swarath’ (Dogri translation of a Bengali play Kanchan Rang) another production of this club, Susham Sharma was in the leading role and was awarded by the State Academy, along with Pradhuman Singh and Vishnu Dutt Sharma for their best performances.
I have also seen her performance in DDK Jammu’s T.V. serial ‘Kunjoo Chanchalo (Dogri) where she portrayed as Chanchalo’s mother. So, to me, Susham Sharma was one among those few comrades with whose sincere commitment and selfless service, Dogri Drama flourished day by day among the audience.
Narsingh Dev Jamwal